Debugger and Java version

xarvia wrote on Tue Jun 26 00:43:54 MEST 2007:
Eclipse 3.2.2, EPIC 0.6.10, Subclipse 1.2.2, Perl 5.8.8, Padwalker 1.5

I have been having all sorts of problems with the epic debugger: variables
not displaying at all, IO problems (on variable retrieval) and randomly
skipping lines when stepping through the code. I tried various versions
of EPIC but to no avail. 

It seems the problem was my version of java. I am using Kubuntu 7.04 and
the default java installation is: java-1.4.2-gcj-4.1- Instead I
installed java-6-sun- and now the debugger works without a hitch.
(I am starting eclipse with the -vm option). I hope that this may help anyone
facing a similar problem (if it is not an oddity of my installation perhaps
it might be useful to put a note on the web page somewhere).

Thanks to the developers for creating this plugin!


jploski wrote on Tue Jun 26 00:59:56 MEST 2007:
Interesting. If anyone else can confirm this sort of problems, please do.

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