Defining a RegExp Quantifier

kjhasely wrote on Mon Dec 22 11:05:30 CET 2008:
I'm working with a code base where the RegExp "?" quantifier is used quite
frequently.  My issue it doesn't seem to be recognized by Eclipse.  Every
time I open a Perl script where that quantifier is used any code after is
no longer displayed with the syntax styling, and sub's don't show up in
the outline view.  Does any one know how to take care of this?


jploski wrote on Thu Dec 25 23:52:53 CET 2008:
Provide example code and information about the version of EPIC used.
kjhasely wrote on Mon Jan 12 20:03:38 CET 2009:
Eclipse Version: 3.4.1
Eclipse Build id: M20080911-1700
EPIC Version: 0.5.46
OS: Mac OS X; 10.5.6


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my $string = 'HelloYDWorldYDHowYIsYDEverything';
my @stuff = ();

@stuff = split /YD?/, $string;

print Dumper(@stuff) . "\n\n";

if(scalar @stuff)
	#There is no syntax checking, or highlighting beyond where the ? is used

	print "\$string was split\n";	

jploski wrote on Tue Jan 13 13:31:47 CET 2009:
Either switch to the most recent 'testing' or try adding parentheses around
split arguments, e.g. split(/YD?/, $string) instead of split /YD?/, $string.
kjhasely wrote on Tue Jan 13 17:07:44 CET 2009:
Thanks!  I was hoping I just needed to add a the '?' to a configuration
file for EPIC Regular Expressions.

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