Deubugger cannot start, _abs_path

achim66 wrote on Sat Oct 27 16:55:03 MEST 2007:
Hi, I just did my firts try to debug a Perl script, but all I get is this:

Bareword found where operator expected at C:/Documents and Settings/ba3759/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.epic.debug/
line 49, near "$DB::OUT _abs_path"
	(Missing operator before _abs_path?)
Cannot chdir to D:/Achim/NXwin/devel/ No such file or directory
at C:/Documents and Settings/ba3759/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.epic.debug/
line 76
Compilation failed in require at C:/Documents and Settings/ba3759/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.epic.debug/
line 2021.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/Documents and Settings/ba3759/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.epic.debug/
line 2021.
Compilation failed in require.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

What am I missing?
jploski wrote on Sat Oct 27 17:13:19 MEST 2007:
Which version of Perl?
achim66 wrote on Sat Oct 27 18:40:51 MEST 2007:
Sorry, that was quite incomplete :-)

 This is perl, v5.8.0 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
 Binary build 806 provided by ActiveState Corp.

Win XP, Eclipse Europa, EPIC 0.5.41 (I tried the latest test version first,
same results. Then I uninstalled it and installed the stable build)

I called perl.exe with full path in the prefs, it is not in the PATH.
jploski wrote on Sat Oct 27 18:50:40 MEST 2007:
The strange chdir message was also reported by someone trying to use Perl
5.6, which is why I asked. I suggest that you upgrade Perl to the current
build - it may help (the earliest build I have seen working myself was 813).
For debugging with EPIC, definitely use 'testing', not 'stable'.
achim66 wrote on Sat Oct 27 19:02:55 MEST 2007:
All right, I'll give that a try. Maybe it gets into problems because I have
multiple Perl Installations (5.6 and 5.8), and I have the ActiveState PDK
7 installed, which brings its own debugger? Because simply starting perl
with -d on a commandline launches the PDK GUI debugger, I think that is
because of some Envvar settings.
Which do you use in EPIC? Is it taken from the used Perl installation,
or an own one?
achim66 wrote on Sun Oct 28 07:29:10 CET 2007:
Hi Jan,
using the newest AS Perl did the trick. I installed it into a second directory
and used that for debugging.
Very cool, thanks.

After playing around with it a bit, I see some parts where enhancement would
be good. It happens to be my job for the next time at work to make Eclipse
our new IDE, for C++, Perl and Tcl, so I could implement some enhancements.
Are you interested in a new dev team member :-) ?

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at to post comments.