EPIC integration with Cola

clintongormley wrote on Thu Sep 25 17:19:03 MEST 2008:
Not sure if you've heard of Cola / Real Time Shared Editing.  It allows
two people in different locations to interactively edit the same document
via eclipse, over XMPP or Skype. You can see a demo video here. http://www.vimeo.com/1195398

At the moment, it is only available for text and java editors, but the wiki
assures us that it is easy to add to other text editors.

Any chance we can get this for EPIC?  

I currently use gobby (http://gobby.0x539.de/trac/) a lot for doing this
kind of thing, but miss out on EPIC's great features.


jploski wrote on Thu Sep 25 21:12:50 MEST 2008:
For starters, it would be nice if I could get it working for .java/.txt.
I installed the two ECF 2.0 features in Eclipse 3.4, but the "Share Editor
With..." is nowhere to be seen. Are any special tricks involved?
clintongormley wrote on Thu Sep 25 21:19:49 MEST 2008:
Yeah, I had the same issue. I think you need to :

a) have an XMMP connection open
b) have at least one contact connected
c) open a file in the text editor
d) right click on the text itself 

then you see the Share Editor with... link


jploski wrote on Sat Sep 27 17:43:54 MEST 2008:
You can now download this plug-in:


and put it into the 'dropins' folder of your Eclipse installation. Then
the "Share Editor with..." option should also appear and work in EPIC's
Perl editor, under the conditions you gave (it might require a restart of
clintongormley wrote on Mon Sep 29 13:36:46 MEST 2008:
Many thanks for writing this, but it isn't working yet

Installed it by saving the jar file to dropins,  then restarting eclipse.
I see the "Share editor with..." option for text editors, but not for the
Perl editor.

Starting eclipse from the command line (without the jar) gives me a number
of errors. Curiously, when adding the .jar into dropins, I get the same
4 errors a second time:

Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator org.eclipse.ecf.internal.provider.jslp.Activator
for bundle org.eclipse.ecf.provider.jslp is invalid
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ch/ethz/iks/slp/ServiceLocationEnumeration
Caused by: org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseLazyStarter$TerminatingClassNotFoundException:
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle ch.ethz.iks.slp
Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exception in ch.ethz.iks.slp.impl.Activator.start()
of bundle ch.ethz.iks.slp.
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: You have to be root to open port
Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator org.eclipse.ecf.internal.provider.jslp.Activator
for bundle org.eclipse.ecf.provider.jslp is invalid
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ch/ethz/iks/slp/ServiceLocationEnumeration
Caused by: org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseLazyStarter$TerminatingClassNotFoundException:
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle ch.ethz.iks.slp
Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exception in ch.ethz.iks.slp.impl.Activator.start()
of bundle ch.ethz.iks.slp.
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: You have to be root to open port

Assuming the first 4 errors are to do with the ECF activation for the text
editor (which succeeds), I'm guessing that the second 4 errors won't help

Any more info I can give you?

thanks for the effort


jploski wrote on Mon Sep 29 18:17:50 MEST 2008:
To get rid of the "You have to be root to open port 427" errors, add -Dnet.slp.port=10427
to the -vmargs parameter in your Eclipse startup script. I have no idea
what this is for, but it eliminates the error message.

Check that the new plug-in is being picked up from the dropins folder by
inspecting the Help/About/Plugins dialog. There used to be a bug in Eclipse
3.4.0 where dropins were ignored if the Eclipse installation location was

You may also try removing org.eclipse.core.runtime and org.eclipse.osgi
from $ECLIPSE_HOME/configuration when Eclipse is not running. This should
motivate it to re-create its internal plug-ins database on startup, which
might be relevant. If this doesn't help, try upgrading to the newest version
of Ganymede (3.4.1, build id M20080911-1700).
clintongormley wrote on Mon Sep 29 19:06:26 MEST 2008:
>Check that the new plug-in is being picked up from the dropins folder by
>the Help/About/Plugins dialog. There used to be a bug in Eclipse 3.4.0
>dropins were ignored if the Eclipse installation location was non-standard.

Yeah, it's not being picked up, at least org.epic.perleditor.ecf isn't there.

And my Eclipse is in a non-standard location

>You may also try removing org.eclipse.core.runtime and org.eclipse.osgi
>$ECLIPSE_HOME/configuration when Eclipse is not running. This should motivate
>it to re-create its internal plug-ins database on startup, which might
be relevant.
>If this doesn't help, try upgrading to the newest version of Ganymede (3.4.1,
>build id M20080911-1700).

That's the version I'm running. Tried removing the files from configuration/
and they get recreated, but still no plugin

As a workaround though, I've found that I can open a Perl file with the
text editor, share it, then reopen it in the Perl editor, and the sharing
jploski wrote on Mon Sep 29 19:13:34 MEST 2008:
Maybe try putting the plug-in under 'plugins' rather than 'dropins'. It's
strange that it works for me. No related messages at all to the console
or in workspace/.metadata/.log?
clintongormley wrote on Mon Sep 29 20:04:24 MEST 2008:

Tried in plugins, but nothing.  And there's nothing in relevant in the log
file either.

I don't know if my eclipse.ini makes any difference, but just in case:


Here are the epic entries from my bundles.info file:



jploski wrote on Mon Sep 29 20:13:41 MEST 2008:
You can try adding the missing perleditor.ecf line to bundles.info manually,
then remove the org.eclipse.core.runtime and org.eclipse.osgi and restart.
clintongormley wrote on Mon Sep 29 20:19:11 MEST 2008:
YAAAAYYYY That worked. And the Share Editor with.. option is now visible
on the context menu

many thanks!

jploski wrote on Mon Sep 29 19:15:46 MEST 2008:
One more thing to check: in configuration/
org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/bundles.info, is there an entry like
this one (there should be):


Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at sf.net to post comments.