EPIC on Fedora Core 6

jacktanner wrote on Tue Apr 24 18:06:32 MEST 2007:
How should one install EPIC on Fedora Core 6? If I try to install from the
testing site via the Eclipse package manager in the GUI, all I get is:

Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested
operation and more errors would be introduced. See details for more information.
  ----- Current configuration problems -----
    Error creating feature "file:/usr/share/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-clWbqCmjexIWDqg/".
(No such file or directory)]
  ----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
    Error creating feature "file:/usr/share/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-clWbqCmjexIWDqg/".
(No such file or directory)]

It's true that /usr/share/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp* doesn't exist.

I imagine it's a Fedora problem, but please chime in if you know how to
solve it or work around it.
jacktanner wrote on Tue Apr 24 18:13:57 MEST 2007:
And to answer my own question, make sure that you've installed the eclipse-rcp-sdk
RPM. Works like magic.

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at sf.net to post comments.