Mylar integration

clintongormley wrote on Wed Dec 20 15:56:30 CET 2006:
Hi all

Is there any move to build a structure bridge to integrate EPIC with Mylar?

If you don't know Mylar, it is a really useful task manager within Eclipse,
which integrates with Bugzilla/TRAC/Jira and subversion/cvs.

See here for a webinar:

And here for the integration docs:

Unfortunately, I don't know Java at all, so I can't participate in building

But check out the webinar, somebody HAS to be inspired to do it.

jgangemi wrote on Wed Dec 20 16:22:13 CET 2006:
mylar isn't supported on eclipse 3.1 any longer (well, you can get up to
version 0.6.0 - but nothing more current), and there hasn't been a decision
to abandon support for 3.1 in epic (i don't think it would make sense to
maintain two slightly different code bases to handle this integration) -
so there is no implementation currently planned.

if it was decided to go this route and only support 3.2, i'd like to see
it take an entirely different direction and integrate w/ the dynamic languages
toolkit (which has already has this and support for other features that
have been requested [jdt-like build paths] right out of the box) and become
an even more powerful tool.

there was a discussion on whether epic should stay 3.1 compatible here:
jploski wrote on Wed Dec 20 19:39:53 CET 2006:
Thanks for the link. The Mylar project certainly delivers some quite impressive
and desirable functionality. I have not used Mylar myself so far, but after
seeing this presentation I wish to look into it over Christmas/New Year.

Jae correctly pointed out EPIC's backwards compatibility with 3.1. I think
it would be acceptable to break this compatibility in the 'testing' branch
while keeping it in 'stable'. Sometime before this step, I'd like to rename
the current 'testing' to 'stable' and release it as 0.6.0. The main motivation
is that we now have two different version of org.epic.debug, so bug fixing
in the debugger only happens in 'testing'. However, in order to stay useful,
'stable' must permit bug fixes in org.epic.debug as well, particularly when
'testing' is no longer an option for some users due to missing 3.1 compatibility.
clintongormley wrote on Thu Dec 21 11:13:30 CET 2006:
For reference, I opened an enhancement request on the Mylar list, which
they have marked as 'helpwanted':

And many thanks for the awesome job you guys have done on Epic - it's the
first IDE that has given me a reason to stop using just a text editor.

merry christmas to all.

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at to post comments.