PadWalker version confusion

amire80 wrote on Thu May 24 08:29:09 MEST 2007:
I have Windows XP / ActivePerl 5.8.8 / Eclipse 3.2.2

I'm totally confused about the version of PadWalker that i should install.

The FAQ says "version 1.0 or later".

The latest version on CPAN is 1.5, from January 2007.

The version on ActiveState's repository is 0.10, but when i look at the
source, i see $VERSION = '0.09'; The HTML documentation says that it's from

I had many problems using EPIC's debugger with EPIC 0.5.35 . So i went through
the questions on the site here and saw that i should install PadWalker from
ActiveState repository, which didn't help. Then i found somebody else's
question on the forum, who described debugger problems similar to my own,
and Jan suggested installing EPIC 0.6.4 . I did that and now the debugger
works even worse and the variables view says: "An error occurred while dumping
global variables; contents of the Variables view may become invalid."

Any help?..
jploski wrote on Thu May 24 19:19:49 MEST 2007:
Post the stack trace of the error message you mention.
jploski wrote on Thu May 24 19:31:29 MEST 2007:
Maybe you can download this version:
unzip it and install it as described in README.

If the above does not help, you could also install Microsoft Visual C++
Toolkit (it's free) and nmake (also free), then download PadWalker from
CPAN and compile/install it yourself.
amire80 wrote on Fri May 25 19:03:49 MEST 2007:
> you could also install Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit (it's free)

I have the complete Visual Studio 2005 - i use it in Real Life work. I used
it to build PadWalker 1.5 and as i said, i had trouble with the debugger.

As a matter of general principle - is the latest version of EPIC supposed
to work with the latest CPAN version of PadWalker?
jploski wrote on Fri May 25 20:39:39 MEST 2007:
Yes, the latest version is supposed to work. I'm using PadWalker 1.5 myself
without problems (Linux, not Windows, though). Maybe your trouble is not
related to PadWalker. That's why I asked for more information.

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at to post comments.