
davidbusby68 wrote on Fri Jan 18 18:20:06 CET 2008:
Running Eclipse ( on Windows XP

I have just started doing the POD thing and have been using command line
podchecker filename.pm/pl/cgi to validate my POD comments.  I seem unable
to get the context menu in EPIC to give results.  Like the PERL::Critic
I kinda expected a tab or something I could doc that would assist in navigation
to the error but have gotten no response or errors yet.

Any ideas on possible reasons other than windows??

jploski wrote on Fri Jan 18 20:16:09 CET 2008:
Nothing in the Error Log?
davidbusby68 wrote on Mon Jan 21 15:50:18 CET 2008:
Can you give me the name of the log file I need to find.  The general one
for Eclipse or is there one for the EPIC errors?
jploski wrote on Mon Jan 21 19:02:07 CET 2008:
workspace/.metadata/.log, or open the Error Log view if you have Eclipse
with PDE. It's not EPIC specific.
davidbusby68 wrote on Mon Jan 21 20:01:31 CET 2008:
Here is what I see get generated in the log for this specific action.

!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui.workbench 2 0 2008-01-21 13:00:17.320
!MESSAGE A handler conflict occurred.  This may disable some commands.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui.workbench 2 0 2008-01-21 13:00:17.320
!MESSAGE Conflict for 'org.epic.perleditor.commands.clearMarker':

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at sf.net to post comments.