Remote control of Eclipse / EPIC

dkasak wrote on Thu Jul 26 04:18:11 MEST 2007:

I'm working on an open-source, cross-platform database RAD thingy. I'm at
the stage where it would be incredibly cool if I could remote-control Eclipse
to, for example, open a particular file, go to a particular sub, maybe insert
some text, etc.

Is this at all possible?
jploski wrote on Thu Jul 26 11:36:00 MEST 2007:
What is missing (afaik) is the protocol to use between the remote control
client and the instance of Eclipse (you'd have to invent one yourself).
Otherwise, all the things should be possible. Check out org.epic.perleditor-test
and have a look at the classes in src-pde to see a few examples of automation
for testing purposes...

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