searching perldoc

tdarugar wrote on Tue Nov 23 15:40:31 CET 2004:
I can't type %F, on mac osx, to find keywords and jump around the perldoc
documentation.  The reading of the manual page in its entirety is a bit

Also, on Mac OSX, I can't seem to get the tooltip help to popup when I highlight
a perl function.  Is this a bug or am I missing some keyboard shortcuts
to force this behavior?

luelljoc wrote on Tue Dec 14 10:02:54 CET 2004:

it's not possible to search perldoc at them moment.
I agree that this would be a good feature.
Could you open a feature request so it does not get lost.
I know the tooltip to work on Linux/Windows but I don't have a Mac OSX machine.


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