Timed out while waiting for Perl debugger ...

addie80 wrote on Fri Dec 26 23:50:19 CET 2008:
My installation:
Eclipse Platform: 3.4.1
EPIC: 05.46
Perl: 5.8.8 824

When I try to debug a perl script after a while everytime a box with the
following text appears:
"Timed out while waiting for Perl debugger connection"

Debugging is not possible.

jploski wrote on Sat Dec 27 20:02:20 CET 2008:
This could be a firewall problem. Perl makes connections to localhost in
port range 5000-5004 (or above, depending on the number of active debugging
shodapp wrote on Wed Jan  7 21:44:46 CET 2009:
I'm a new EPIC user and experiencing the same problem on a Dell Vista PC
except I can debug for a while after restarting the PC until it starts timing
out again.  I'm using two other XP PC's that do not have this problem so
I thought it might be a Vista specific issue until I saw this post.
jploski wrote on Thu Jan  8 01:39:53 CET 2009:
I just tested in Vista and couldn't reproduce the problem. Does this happen
during script or CGI debugging? Do you terminate your debug sessions using
the Debug view? Does the output of "netstat -an" (from command prompt) grow
without bounds (some number of TIME_WAIT entries for port 5000-5004 is ok
there, but they should go away with time; also, when a debugger session
is closed there should be no ESTABLISHED connections on these ports)?
shodapp wrote on Thu Jan  8 20:12:17 CET 2009:
Thanks for your reply.  I'm just learning Perl so these are simple scripts
only.  I'll monitor the port status with the "netstat -an" command and post
what I observe.  The Vista machine is a home machine so it my be a few days
before I can gather the information.  There have probably been some instances
where I've neglected to terinate some of the debug sessions from the debug
view and ultimately exited Eclipse from the "Perl" view.  Thanks again for
your help, Steve.
shodapp wrote on Mon Jan 19 22:42:04 CET 2009:
I haven't experienced the port time out or slow debugger starts since my
previous post.  Ports 5000 and up appeared to behave as described by Jan.
 I'll post what I see on the ports when and if I see the problem again.

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at sf.net to post comments.