CGI debug - port

r_olivieri wrote on Tue Dec 18 17:04:17 CET 2007:

I've seen a few posts related or similar to the following problem but I
haven't seen a definite answer or solution. I am wondering if this could
be a bug. I used EPIC 0.6.17 (testing) and 0.5.41 (stable) and got the same
results (it made no difference for this particular problem). My environment
is: Eclipse, Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client release 5 (Tikanga),
kernel -  2.6.18-8.1.4.el5

I am trying to DEBUG and RUN a perl CGI file using EPIC. I used the lauch
configuration panel to specify the "Web server" parameters. 

1) Regardless of the value I specify for the HTML startup file, EPIC always
looks for index.html (in RUN or DEBUG mode). I have double checked that
the file I specified for the HTML startup file does exist and that its permissions
are correct. Regardless of this, EPIC always tries to find index.html. I
then get an error message in the browser since I don't have an index.html
page. After this, I can point (manually) the browser to the page I want
to use as the startup file and from there it works OK. I also do get some
strange errors in the log but that does not seem to cause a problem... at
least not yet:

Error: 408 Request Time-out: Read timed out

2) When using DEBUG mode, I always get the following error message: "Could
not connect to debug port". Then right after this, the "Web server" process
dies. This happens always, even after rebooting the machine. It does not
matter if it is the first time I am trying to debug a CGI script or if I
restart eclipse or if I reboot the machine. I always get this message when
trying to debug a CGI script with EPIC (and the process always dies after
the message).

Does anyone have experienced this problem? Any ideas on what could be causing
this? Thanks.
jploski wrote on Tue Dec 18 20:19:29 CET 2007:
Regarding 1) - please provide the exact steps to reproduce this using a
simple test CGI script. It works as expected for me.

Regarding 2) - EPIC listens for connections from the debugger at ports 5000-5004.
If your firewall blocks these ports, it could be one reason. Another reason
can be that EPIC binds to a different IP address than the debugger tries
to connect to. To find out more about what is going on, use netstat or a
packet sniffer like tcpdump. Does debugging non-CGI scripts work for you?
r_olivieri wrote on Wed Dec 19 06:30:08 CET 2007:

Thanks for getting back to me. These are the steps for #1:

1) Start Eclipse
2) Create a Perl project in the workspace (at the moment it only has one
simple CGI script (hello world script) which I exported to the /var/www/cgi-bin
folfer). You actually don't need a CGI script to reproduce this problem
since it is just related to the HTML startup file. However, this is my simple
cgi script:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Hello, World.";

3) Create a simple HTML page (hello world page). I placed this file in /var/www/html:

Hello there!

4) I made sure both files were accessible via the Apache server I have on
my box.
5) Provide the launch configuration for "Perl CGI". In my case, I am using
the following values for web server:
  HTML Root Dir: /var/www/html
  HTML startup file: /var/www/html/test.html
  CGI root dir: /var/www/cgi-bin
6) Run the "launch configuration" for Perl CGI. This is the output I am

Found default config file
Server started on 5003
LOG: 5 5003-server: main.: starting handler: cgi
LOG: 5 5003-server: main.: starting handler: file
LOG: 4 5003-server: new connection
LOG: 3 5003- Request 24 GET / HTTP/1.1
LOG: 5 5003- main.: invoking handler: cgi
LOG: 5 5003- suffix=.cgi,.pl root=/var/www/cgi-bin url: /
LOG: 5 5003- Checking for suffix: .cgi
LOG: 5 5003- looking for: /var/www/cgi-bin/.cgi
LOG: 5 5003- Checking for suffix: .pl
LOG: 5 5003- looking for: /var/www/cgi-bin/.pl
LOG: 5 5003- main.: invoking handler: file
LOG: 5 5003- file.: Looking for file: (/var/www/html)(/)
LOG: 4 5003- file.: no such file: /var/www/html/index.html
LOG: 3 5003- Error: 404 Not Found: /
LOG: 3 5003- request done
LOG: 4 5003- socket close

And the built-in browser outputs:

Got the error: Not Found
while trying to obtain / 

If I add an index.html file to /var/www/html, then this is what I get:

Found default config file
Server started on 5003
LOG: 5 5003-server: main.: starting handler: cgi
LOG: 5 5003-server: main.: starting handler: file
LOG: 4 5003-server: new connection
LOG: 3 5003- Request 24 GET / HTTP/1.1
LOG: 5 5003- main.: invoking handler: cgi
LOG: 5 5003- suffix=.cgi,.pl root=/var/www/cgi-bin url: /
LOG: 5 5003- Checking for suffix: .cgi
LOG: 5 5003- looking for: /var/www/cgi-bin/.cgi
LOG: 5 5003- Checking for suffix: .pl
LOG: 5 5003- looking for: /var/www/cgi-bin/.pl
LOG: 5 5003- main.: invoking handler: file
LOG: 5 5003- file.: Looking for file: (/var/www/html)(/)
LOG: 3 5003- request done
LOG: 3 5003- Error: 408 Request Time-out: Read timed out
LOG: 4 5003- socket close

(Note the Error: 408 above... which does not seem to cause any problems...

And the built-in browser outputs:
Hello there!

For #2, yes, debugging non-CGI scripts works great. The issue I described
is just when trying to debug a CGI script. I'll investigate the state of
the connection(s) a little more and post what I find here.

r_a_llo wrote on Wed Dec 19 10:51:51 CET 2007:

I just wanted to let you know, that I had the same problems using DEBUG
mode with a simple CGI-script.
Sometimes it worked once after Eclipse started, often the result was "Could
not connect to debug port" right away.

Problemes occured with EPIC 0.5.41 (stable) and debian Eclipse 3.2.1-4 on
Linux debian Etch with kernel 2.6.18-5-686.
After reading I
installed EPIC 0.6.17 (testing) and DEBUG mode works now with the Firefox
Adapter as 'Browser' which is OK for me because my standard browser is Iceweasel
(the debian version of Firefox). Build-in Browser as 'Browser' still leads
to "Could not connect to debug port".


r_olivieri wrote on Wed Dec 19 14:16:10 CET 2007:

Thanks for your comments. I tried using Firefox instead of the built-in
browser but it did not make a difference in my case. I still got the "Could
not connect to debug port" message and then the "web server" process died.
I haven't been able yet to figure out what is wrong. In my case, it always
fails when I try to debug a CGI script. 

My environment is: Eclipse, Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client
release 5 (Tikanga), kernel - 2.6.18-8.1.4.el5 
r_a_llo wrote on Mon Dec 31 13:28:41 CET 2007:

I tried Ubuntu 7.10.
You can install Eclipse 3.2.2 and JRE 6 out of the box via the package management
After installing libpadwalker-perl via the package management system too
(again very easy) EPIC stable can be installed and everything works: the
debug mode, connecting to Firefox and displaying variable contents in den
variable view during debugging.

This might be an alternative for you.



Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at to post comments.