gfick wrote on Tue Dec 19 15:29:40 CET 2006:
HI: I've gotten EPIC to work well for debugging within a single file. I can inspect variables, step through code, set breakpoint, etc. However, I've never been able to step into functions located in another file (*.pm). This always crashes for me, and has since I first started using EPIC (~5 months ago). I get the standard windows crash dialog, telling me the Perl Command Line Interpreter has crashed (perl.exe). If I click debug, I get an unhandled exception error. I am currently using the latest EPIC testing (0.5.25), but I've seen the same behavior using 0.5.0, 0.5.10, 0.5.16. I am using PadWalker 0.10, and ActiveState Perl I am running WindowsXP. This seems like a problem with ActiveState Perl, but has anyone had this problem before?
jploski wrote on Tue Dec 19 18:29:11 CET 2006:
I vaguely remember seeing crashes of perl.exe during debugging in the past. However, I no longer encounter these problems under Windows XP, using the same version of ActiveState Perl you mentioned. Is your code multithreaded? (just a wild guess) If you can reproduce the problem easily in EPIC, then you should also attempt to reproduce it without EPIC. Turn on the option "Perl debugger console" in EPIC Preferences. Another item will then appear in the Debug view and you will see the actual communication going on between EPIC and perl.exe in the Console view when you click on it. Furthermore, the command line used to invoke the perl.exe process and the values of environment variables will be logged in the Error Log view (or in the $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.log file). You should first attempt to replay the debug session on the command line, ignoring the environment variables (particularly ignoring PERLDB_OPTS). This kind of test is fast and easy to setup. If you fail to reproduce the problem, the environment including PERLDB_OPTS shouuld be included as well (you should then substitute something like netcat for EPIC in order to control the debugger manually from another process).
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