Debugging on Windows with IIS

marcusschmidt wrote on Mon Oct  8 19:07:28 MEST 2007:

I am new to this forum and if is wrong to post my question here, please
let me know where it should be posted. Thank you. The problem:

I am trying to use the debugging functionality of EPIC on an Windows installation
with IIS.
My configuration:
-> Win XP SP2
-> ActivePerl 5.8.8 Build 819
-> Ecplipse 3.3.0
-> EPIC 0.5.33
-> Application to debug: cgi-application OTRS 2.2.3

I have set up a Perl CGI debug configuration in Eclipse with:
HTML Root directory:   C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin
HTML Startup File:     C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin\
CGI Root directory:    C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin

When start the debugger I get the following Console output:

Found default config file
Server started on 5007
LOG: 5 5007-server: main.: starting handler: cgi
LOG: 5 5007-server: main.: starting handler: file
LOG: 4 5007-server: new connection
LOG: 3 5007- Request 24 GET / HTTP/1.1
LOG: 5 5007- main.: invoking handler: cgi
LOG: 5 5007- suffix=.cgi,.pl root=C:/Inetpub/OTRS/otrs-2.2.3/bin/cgi-bin
url: /
LOG: 5 5007- Checking for suffix: .cgi
LOG: 5 5007- looking for: C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin\.cgi
LOG: 5 5007- Checking for suffix: .pl
LOG: 5 5007- looking for: C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin\.pl
LOG: 5 5007- main.: invoking handler: file
LOG: 5 5007- file.: Looking for file: (C:/Inetpub/OTRS/otrs-2.2.3/bin/cgi-bin)(\)
LOG: 4 5007- file.: no such file: C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin\index.html
LOG: 3 5007- Error: 404 Not Found: /
LOG: 3 5007- request done
LOG: 4 5007- socket close

For sure there is no
It should be 
as configured.

So I am a little bit of stuck with the configuration. Any help is appreciated.

jploski wrote on Mon Oct  8 19:40:02 MEST 2007:
Please try using / instead of \ in the CGI configuration paths and see if
it changes anything.
marcusschmidt wrote on Mon Oct  8 23:02:04 MEST 2007:
Hello Jan,

thank for your reply.
I have changed the \ in the config to / but the result is the same

Found default config file
Server started on 5004
LOG: 5 5004-server: main.: starting handler: cgi
LOG: 5 5004-server: main.: starting handler: file
LOG: 4 5004-server: new connection
LOG: 3 5004- Request 24 GET / HTTP/1.1
LOG: 5 5004- main.: invoking handler: cgi
LOG: 5 5004- suffix=.cgi,.pl root=C:/Inetpub/OTRS/otrs-2.2.3/bin/cgi-bin
url: /
LOG: 5 5004- Checking for suffix: .cgi
LOG: 5 5004- looking for: C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin\.cgi
LOG: 5 5004- Checking for suffix: .pl
LOG: 5 5004- looking for: C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin\.pl
LOG: 5 5004- main.: invoking handler: file
LOG: 5 5004- file.: Looking for file: (C:/Inetpub/OTRS/otrs-2.2.3/bin/cgi-bin)(\)
LOG: 4 5004- file.: no such file: C:\Inetpub\OTRS\otrs-2.2.3\bin\cgi-bin\index.html
LOG: 3 5004- Error: 404 Not Found: /
LOG: 3 5004- request done
LOG: 4 5004- socket close

Best regards
jploski wrote on Tue Oct  9 19:19:46 MEST 2007:
Here are some more things to try:
1) get rid of the c: from the paths, just specify the absolute path with
2) check that you don't have spaces or any other weird characters in the
3) enter the url http://localhost:5004/ directly in the browser
and see what happens
4) some other script name different than
5) trailing slashes in directory names in the launch configuration

Basically, the line

LOG: 5 5004- suffix=.cgi,.pl root=C:/Inetpub/OTRS/otrs-2.2.3/bin/cgi-bin
url: / 

from your log should read

LOG: 5 5004- suffix=.cgi,.pl root=C:/Inetpub/OTRS/otrs-2.2.3/bin/cgi-bin
url: /

All lines that appear thereafter are irrelevant.

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at to post comments.