EPIC - Bugzilla - Apache

aliustek wrote on Thu Nov 27 10:31:29 CET 2008:
I have posted following on http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.support.bugzilla/browse_thread/thread/da93fd0c9c99c366

Hi everyone!
First of all I am a complete noob at perl, that said

I am trying to use eclipse with epic-perl as my IDE to help me code
and debug bugzilla.  I have setup a project and when building I get

"Can't locate object method "is_threaded" via package "Apache2::MPM"
in /usr/lib/perl5/Apache2/SizeLimit.pm line 51  mod_perl.pl     bugzilla
Unknown Perl Problem"

I found by googling that actually "is_threaded" method is created at
run time.

Now the question is, How can I get around this problem so I can use
eclipse or any other IDE suggestions for that matter? 

Is it possible to get Eclipse run in Apache environment with EPIC, if so

Thanks a ton from now!!!
jploski wrote on Fri Nov 28 09:17:26 CET 2008:
If the method is "created at runtime" as you say, why is it invoked at compile
time? I suggest that you first get the file to compile on the command line
using "perl -c" with all the required -I options and whatever else the code
needs at compile time (environment variables?). Once that is sorted out,
you can copy the same options to EPIC (e.g. Project Properties/Include Path,
or environment variables for the Eclipse process). Finally, do "Project/Clean..."
to recheck everything from scratch.
aliustek wrote on Wed Dec 24 12:11:13 CET 2008:
OK, I have found that you need to execute eclipse from within the project
directory,  that solved many of the problems.  However, now I get following

"Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
Can't load 'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/APR/APR.dll' for module APR: load_file:The
specified module could not be found in C:/Perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 202
mod_perl.pl	bugzilla-dev	Unknown	Perl Problem
Compilation failed in require	004template.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 34	Perl
Compilation failed in require	005no_tabs.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 33	Perl Problem
Compilation failed in require	008filter.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 37	Perl Problem
Compilation failed in require	009bugwords.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 38	Perl
Compilation failed in require	012throwables.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 38	Perl
Compilation failed in require	mod_perl.pl	bugzilla-dev	line 32	Perl Problem
Compilation failed in require in C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache2/SizeLimit.pm line
26	mod_perl.pl	bugzilla-dev	Unknown	Perl Problem
Compilation failed in require in C:/Perl/site/lib/APR/Pool.pm line 23	mod_perl.pl
bugzilla-dev	Unknown	Perl Problem
Insecure dependency in chdir while running with -T switch	checksetup.pl
bugzilla-dev	line 52	Perl Problem
Insecure dependency in chdir while running with -T switch	email_in.pl	bugzilla-dev
line 29	Perl Problem
Insecure dependency in chdir while running with -T switch	makedocs.pl	bugzilla-dev/docs
line 35	Perl Problem
Insecure dependency in require while running with -T switch	install-module.pl
bugzilla-dev	line 31	Perl Problem
You said to run 0 tests	001compile.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 33	Perl Problem
You said to run 0 tests	002goodperl.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 35	Perl Problem
You said to run 0 tests	003safesys.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 33	Perl Problem
You said to run 0 tests	006spellcheck.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 52	Perl Problem
You said to run 0 tests	011pod.t	bugzilla-dev/t	line 29	Perl Problem"

Insecure dependency errors are ther because perl settings has "-T" option
and those files needs to be run without it.  How can I run some files with
and some without the switch, is it possible at all???

the others are (files within t directory) are only needed for test purposes
so I can exclude them from project if they are very big trouble

Thanks a lot
jploski wrote on Thu Dec 25 23:58:33 CET 2008:
You can disable the global -T option in EPIC Preferences. Under Unix you
can enable it selectively for certain files by putting the -T in the #!/usr/bin/perl
line at the beginning of the script. However, AFAIK this doesn't work under
Windows. You would need to use a wrapper around the Perl interpreter which
would invoke the real interpreter with or without the option.
aliustek wrote on Sat Jan  3 01:26:23 CET 2009:
Disabling option -T doesn't work, then all of other files which needs the
option complains.  If you check bugzilla files they all have the option
-T set already, of course only the ones need it.

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at sf.net to post comments.