EPIC crash after saving ?

leo_forge4 wrote on Wed May 30 10:59:41 MEST 2007:
I am using EPIC in that way, that the files are located on a Unix-Server
and I am working via Samba on my Windows-PC. 

Sometimes it happens, it takes approx 3-4 min after I save a file and then
the auto-complete is not any longer available for that file. Also I have
serval times an interupt of approx. 30 sec. when nothing could be done and
then the Editor start working fine again.

I have checked the .log, but no messages in it. Since it occurs on random
basis, I did not yet recognize any pattern. But since the auto-completer
is not any longer available for this one file, I assume EPIC has crashed.

Any ideas, what to check first?
jploski wrote on Wed May 30 19:00:36 MEST 2007:
I used EPIC for editing files over Samba myself and have experienced delays
when the server machine's disk was busy (sometimes 30 seconds delay on save
- very annoying), but never an actual crash. My own problems were solved
by determining the cause of the delays, which was a backup process running
on the server in a wrong time window (it also interfered with other applications,
not just EPIC). I recommend that you run vmstat on the Unix server to monitor
the blocks in/out statistics for the disk.

A good way to eliminate Samba as the possible cause of problems would be
to switch over to working in a local workspace for the time being and synchronize
with the server using another mechanism (rsync?). Of course you'd have to
install Perl and the necessary modules on the Windows machine (it's not
a big trouble, based on my experience).

It is puzzling why autocompletion would have to do anything with that. Maybe
you're talking about two unrelated problems here. If everything else (editing,
syntax highlighting, outline) works on the file and only auto-completion
does not work, I would not call it a crash, but perhaps a bug in the autocompletion
code. I'd expect autocompletion bugs to be activated by the actual content
of the file, so that might be something to experiment with the next time
when it happens to you.

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at sf.net to post comments.