kcella wrote on Thu Dec 8 03:17:56 CET 2005:
How do I get the perl debugger to work in Eclipse? I have Eclipse 3.1 and Perl 5.8 for Windows. I have followed the EPIC manual to setup the debugger, but every time I run an application in debug mode, it starts up the Perl graphical debugger that comes bundled with the Activestate Perl distribution. I want to use the debug perspective GUI built into Eclipse. Please help!
marcbernst wrote on Sun Jan 8 05:42:39 CET 2006:
Does it start Devel::ptkdb? In any case, you need to load the padwalker.pm version for ActivePerl that you download from the epic site. No other version seems to work with 3.1. I am curious why your 'activestate debugger' starts though. Please keep us informed.
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