geoffleach wrote on Tue Jul 19 00:30:44 MEST 2005:
Installing EPIC hanve verifying plugins/org.epic/ext/cbg/editor_0.3.0.jar Eclipse is a fresh install in Fedora Core 4, rpm eclipse-platform-3.1.0_fc-0.M6.22, eclipse.buildId=I20050401-1645 Clearly not a bug, so what am I doing wrong?
leo_forge wrote on Thu Jul 21 15:00:26 MEST 2005:
why install an out-of-date version????
geoffleach wrote on Fri Jul 22 00:07:51 MEST 2005:
Hmmmm ... well, color me naieve, but 0.3.0 is shown as "Current Versions - Stable" on the main page. I generally start there when I'm a newbie In the meanwhile, I've discovered two things. (1) The testing version (0.3.10 when I tried it) also hung, but at a different point in the verification phase. (2) If I download the .zip file (in the case of stable) or mirroir the testing tree locally, the install (or upgrade) completes normally. From this I conclude that there is something about the verification process that does not like my particular kind of Inter net connection, which is Direcway 6000 satelite. I don't recall exactly what the problem is, but Bittorrent does not work either. In any event, the problem is solved.
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