Help with debugging On Red Hat

paujones2005 wrote on Sat Feb 11 15:06:17 CET 2006:

I'm little be of a newbie to Perl (more of an old time Java die-hard) so
excuse my lack on knowledge.  I have installed the EPIC plug-in (although
it seems to make my workbench a little unstable) and am able to run some
test scripts.  I am unable to debug anything because eclipse is looking
for some 'Padawalker'  module.  I seem to need to  about 100 rpms for this
padawalker thing bases on the package I found (and I don't really want to
install them and still not have it work!).  From the documentation I have
seen it looks like its for Windows, anyhow.  It seems my other option is
to 'turn-off' displaying local vars (I have no idea what that means!) 

So what are my Linux options with EPIC?

jploski wrote on Sat Feb 11 15:26:51 CET 2006:
I don't know about Red Hat. The procedure I used for installing the PadWalker
(not: Padawalker) module under Linux is rather simple:

1. Go to
2. Find "padwalker"
3. Click on the link to get to the page with documentation. There is a link
to a tar.gz in the right upper corner of it.
4. Download and unpack the tar.gz
5. Then install it as you would any Perl module from CPAN under Unix:

perl Makefile.PL
make install

You could also use the "CPAN shell" for installation - it works well when
you need a module with a thousand dependencies. PadWalker is not such a
module, though.

If you are really concerned about polluting your RPM-based distribution
with additional Perl modules, you can specify the installation prefix:

perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/user/somewhere

However, then you will have to set the environment variable PERL5LIB to
include /home/user/somewhere before running Eclipse, or Perl won't be able
to locate the modules. The algorithm used is very similar to Java's CLASSPATH
lookup (or vice versa).
paujones2005 wrote on Sat Feb 11 20:49:47 CET 2006:
Well Getting closer... Thanks for the help.. I have installed padwalker
but I get an initalize debug view error.... Not sure where to look to correct
this problem....
jploski wrote on Sat Feb 11 22:11:40 CET 2006:
Did you check the "Error Log" view?

Also, this might be a known harmless bug, if the debugger runs fine after
the error (which is already fixed in CVS afaik).
paujones2005 wrote on Mon Feb 13 14:42:12 CET 2006:
No... At this point the dubugger does not start. 
nisti74 wrote on Wed Feb 15 17:13:33 CET 2006:
I have the same problem (RH Enterprise3). Just installed the latest Eclipse
version from the update site as well es the epic test version. padwalker
is installed and I can run the perl debugger from the command line ...

Is there any way to check whether eclipse is finding the padwalker module?
Maybe this would help ...
blairkutz wrote on Thu Feb 16 05:27:20 CET 2006:
Hey guys,
  I think I'm getting the same error that you guys are..  When I switch
from Perl View to Debug view I get an error box that says "An internal error
occurred during: 'Initialize Debug View'".. I don't really have any solutions,
but I did find some output in the log file that I figure somebody might
be able to decode..  :-)

  I'm on linux without root permissions, so my perl executable is really
a shell script defining PERL5LIB.. so that could be one of the problems?

  From looking at the logfile ${ECLIPSE_WORK}/.metadata/.log (is this the
right log file to be looking at?) I can see the following output when this
error comes up:

!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime 4 2 2006-02-15 20:18:43.466
!MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: "Initialize Debug View".
    at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.launch.LaunchView.findFrame(
    at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.launch.LaunchView.access$5(
    at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.launch.LaunchView$

Also when I start up Eclipse I get the following written to the same log
file as before:

!MESSAGE Commands should really have a category, not categoryId='': plug-in='org.epic.perleditor',
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui 1 0 2006-02-15 20:23:15.137
!MESSAGE Commands should really have a category, not categoryId='': plug-in='org.epic.perleditor',
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui 1 0 2006-02-15 20:23:15.137
!MESSAGE Commands should really have a category, not categoryId='': plug-in='org.epic.perleditor',
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui 1 0 2006-02-15 20:23:15.137
!MESSAGE Commands should really have a category, not categoryId='': plug-in='org.epic.perleditor',
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui 1 0 2006-02-15 20:23:15.138
!MESSAGE Commands should really have a category, not categoryId='': plug-in='org.epic.perleditor',
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 2 0 2006-02-15 20:23:15.214
!MESSAGE Warnings while parsing the key bindings from the 'org.eclipse.ui.commands'
extension point
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui 2 0 2006-02-15 20:23:15.215
!MESSAGE Cannot bind to an undefined command: plug-in='org.epic.perleditor',
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui 2 0 2006-02-15 20:23:15.215
!MESSAGE Cannot bind to an undefined command: plug-in='org.epic.perleditor',

Eclipse: 3.1.1
Perl editor Plugin: 0.3.0
with Debug Plugin version: 0.2.0

Thanks for any help!  :-)
paujones2005 wrote on Thu Feb 16 14:42:49 CET 2006:
I too get the same error and am also not logging in as root.  Hmmmm...
paujones2005 wrote on Fri Feb 17 05:07:59 CET 2006:
Well... I gave it a try as root and I get the same error as follows:

An internal error occurred during: "Initialize Debug View".

Stack Trace:
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.launch.LaunchView.findFrame(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.launch.LaunchView.access$5(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.launch.LaunchView$

Session Data:
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_US
Command-line arguments:  -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86
jploski wrote on Fri Feb 17 18:42:38 CET 2006:
I think that this specific exception would not occur in the current CVS
version of org.epic.debug. Whether that version of debugger would work for
you is another issue. It might be worth a try anyway...

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at to post comments.