patspam wrote on Tue May 27 10:22:03 MEST 2008:
EPIC 0.5.45 ships with perltidy v1.46 which doesn't support the Perl Best Practices formatting shortcut (-pbp or --perl-best-practices). It looks like EPIC calls perltidy as follows: "" "perltidy" "-q" "--indent-columns=4" "--maximum-line-length=80" "--entab-leading-whitespace=4" Relative to the dir: /org.epic.perleditor/perlutils/perltidy/ The dir listed above has a local copy of Perl::Tidy as well as the perltidy script. Thus if you install your own version of perltidy, e.g. (Ubuntu) apt-get install perltidy And then replace EPIC's perltidy script with your own: cd /org.epic.perleditor/perlutils/perltidy/ mv perltidy perltidy.orig ln -s /usr/bin/perltidy perltidy And 'hide' EPIC's local copy of Perl::Tidy from perl: cd /org.epic.perleditor/perlutils/perltidy/ mv Perl Perl.orig Then EPIC will start using the (newer) version of PerlTidy that you installed. PBP bliss! Patrick
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