Interactive input when running perl in Eclips

jli023 wrote on Tue Sep  2 05:11:50 MEST 2008:
I have a perl script, which accept user input during running. It works fine
when executing it in CMD window. But I would like to run it in Eclipse.

Do you know how to do the interactive input when running perl script in

Thanks in advance. 

jploski wrote on Tue Sep  2 08:16:33 MEST 2008:
If you read from STDIN, it will work normally in Eclipse, just type your
input in the Console view. If you use a module which talks to a pseudoterminal,
then it won't work.
jli023 wrote on Wed Sep  3 00:29:42 MEST 2008:

Thank you very much for your reply. 

The scripts are:

my $confirmed = 0;
while (! $confirmed) {	
	printf("Please type the name of this application ( Format: Application_Name-Version
): ");
	$app_name = ;
	chop $app_name;
	$app_name =~ m/(^[^-]*)-(.*$)/;
	if ($1 && $2) {
		print("\nName: [$1]\tVersion: [$2]\n\n");
	} else {
		print("\nMust be in the Format: Application_Name-Version\n\n");
	my $valid = 0;
	while (! $valid) {	
		printf("Will create folder named [$app_name], is this correct?(yes/no):
		my $input = ;
		chop $input;
		if ( $input =~ m/^(y|Y)(e|E)(s|S)$/ ) {
			$valid = 1;
			$confirmed = 1;
		} elsif ( $input =~ m/^(n|N)(o|O)$/ ) {
			$valid = 1;

When executing it in cmd window, the printf and stdin codes are executed
in aright sequence. The results shown in the console window are:

Please type the name of this application ( Format: Application_Name-Version
): ant-1.0.0

Name: [ant]     Version: [1.0.0]

Will create folder named [ant-1.0.0], is this correct?(yes/no): yes
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

When running it in Eclipse, first the console does not show anything, after
I typed two lines input, the console displays the results of the printf

Please type the name of this application ( Format: Application_Name-Version
Name: [ant]	Version: [1.0.0]

Will create folder named [ant-1.0.0], is this correct?(yes/no):

It seems that the printf and STDIN are not processed in a sequence in Eclipse.

Do you know there is  a command can force the printf to be processed before
the STDIN?

Thank you very much, 


jli023 wrote on Wed Sep  3 01:38:19 MEST 2008:
I have figured it out, using autoflush to flush the output. 

Thanks for all the help. 

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