uherbst wrote on Wed Aug 10 21:56:56 MEST 2005:
Hi, I get some perl errors for my project in the problem window (tab ?, view ?) like: 1. 'Too late for "-T" option'. What should I do, for a CGI script Taint mode isn't bad ? 2. 'Syntax error in line ...'. But there isn't a syntax error, script is running (with this line) flawless. With other words: How can I suppress some messages ? Uli
brusberg wrote on Thu Aug 11 12:36:34 MEST 2005:
Hi, 1. Taint mode in shebang line is not enough (well, it's too late there). Run the script in taint mode by checking Window -> Preferences -> Perl EPIC -> Enable taint mode. 2. Don't know, when this happens to you. I noticed, that there are some modules (eg. Switch or Template) which are sometimes generating 'wrong errors' in the calling file after the use .... Probably a bug in the validation - don't know of a workaround or how to suppress them. I got used to ignore them.
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