Reading input from the STDIN through console

msubbareddy wrote on Fri Jul 25 22:24:58 MEST 2008:
I am using Eclispe 3.4 - EPIC 0.6.24 on WinXP machine.
I was able to run the perl script from Eclipse 
and was able to user entered the data when it prompts to read input from
(Eclipse console) on using $pwd=;
But, following is not working since, trying to use the stty -noecho concept
for password reading.
use Term::ReadKey;
	ReadMode 'noecho'; 
	my $password = ReadLine 0; 
	chomp ($password);    # Removes all CR and LF from the end of the line.

	ReadMode 'normal'; 
	return $password; 
msubbareddy wrote on Fri Jul 25 22:30:55 MEST 2008:
Whereas, if I run from command prompt, it will work.
But, its working not in Eclipse console and giving following error.

Enter your cws password: GetConsoleMode failed, LastError=|6| at C:/Perl/lib/Term/
line 264.
#!c:/perl/bin/perl -w
$|=1; # make STDOUT unbuffered
use Term::ReadKey; 
print "Enter your cws password: ";
my $pwd = &_password();

sub _password() {
ReadMode 'noecho';  
my $password = ReadLine 0;  
chomp ($password); # Removes all CR and LF from the end of the line.  
ReadMode 'normal';  
return $password; 


Though, I am not sure to post this issue in the Eclispe forum or EPIC forum?

Thanks for any help.

~ Subba
jploski wrote on Fri Jul 25 23:57:35 MEST 2008:
When you run a script in Eclipse, it is a forked process and the communication
between the Eclipse console and the Perl process occurs durign stdout/stderr/stdin
streams. There is no terminal to be controlled.

Note: The above is an archived snapshot of a forum thread. Use the original thread at to post comments.